Når jeg vet mer om fibromyalgi enn legene jeg går til...
Når jeg må krangle for å forklare for folk at det IKKE er psykisk...
Når jeg må forklare nærmeste familie at det IKKE er psykisk...
Når jeg må forklare til NAV at jeg IKKE er psykisk syk...
Fibromyalgi er en FYSISK sykdom!
Man kan google det...men ikke alle nettsider har den riktige informasjonen om fibromyalgi!
Jeg oppfordrer ALLE leger til å lese seg opp litt!
Jeg er mer enn et nummer på ei sykemelding!
Sykdommen er reell!
Legger inn en forklaring ei jente fra USA har skrevet:
(obs- denne er på engelsk!)
Just GOOGLE it doctors! LOL! Not knowing the basics about fibromyalgia, an illness that affects 1 in 50 people, and the few treatments to combat the pain is so wack! Hope some of you have an awesome doctor because we need more of them. Some are just out of their minds though. Honestly, only my chiropractor cares enough to do the work. Hey doctors, Google is like magic! ZING! Hey you don't even have to go to a library anymore, it's sitting at home on your computers. Open the computer up, type in the magic words "what is fibromyalgia?" And go on your magical google quest for information. Mmm that's some tasty knowledge! Why do we know more than they do? Yes, yes because it's our illness so we do more work researching, but it's also their job to stay up to date and with as many people that our out there that have this, there's no excuse. Maybe if our illness was so rare it was one in a million I could maybe understand not knowing, but 1 in 50 is a lot. And the last thing someone with a chronic illness who has been already diagnosed wants to hear it "well I don't know if you have fibromyalgia, it's a catch all." Or, "if you would only lose weight, get a job, make friends, take anti-depressants, wake up earlier...ect." Just because you don't know what causes it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and you should give up. Oh yeah...also google what NOT to say to someone with fibromyalgia. That'll save so much time in the office. More time left over to discuss the reality of fibro. Go figure! Haullie