tirsdag 3. mai 2016

Dear you..a short note in english...

Hi...My name is Aina and I am from
Norway...so english is not my native language...I was diagnosed with fibro in 2011, but before an "expert" diagnosed me, Myalgia was my primary diagnose...-I probably have had it all my life because I can not remember a painfree day...I had growing pains-said the doctors when I was 11. I thought they would be gone at 25, but I still had them...I have stomache pains too, that the doctors never figure out why I get. I am always tired...Exhausted...I am so tired of not being believed and understood...My doc just looks weird at me when I ask for painkillers...but I am so sick and tired of having this damned pain all the time...I am also afraid of the stamp of being an addict to painkillers..so I cry my days away sometimes...I hate this life...and I really want my life to change...Work outs does not add anything good to my pain...Believe me, I have almost tried it all...Why is it so hard for family and friends and doctors to believe me that I am in pain and that it is a handicap I do not want to have? I am on the edge here of giving up and just lay me down and rot away...This is no fun.
